A Little Something For Now

I know I’ve been off this for too long. I almost forgot how to write. Anyhow, I just wanted to say a little something:

First, God is so good. In this long period of time I haven’t posted, I went through a bunch of small ups and ginormous downs. Reason being, my eyes weren’t focused on Christ the whole time. However God is good. He reminded me about a month ago what my purpose is here on this planet. I had a strange feeling in my heart to go to church this one thursday, so i did. From the moment I walked into the sanctuary, it took but 10 seconds for the brother to come and speak what the Lord wanted to tell me, that my life in the community I have been born and raised in isn’t meaningless and that there is a leader waiting to be born in me. I need to allow God to work in and around me and to wash me of my ridiculous old/current self. He needs to increase and i must decrease. Please take Him seriously. Fear Christ the right way. Not in a shivering, hiding under the bed kind of way. Rather in a way that you would fear your very own father at one time in your life if you showed up 2 hours late home. In a respectful way.

Second, we need revival. Revival is so crucial to us and to our generation. Especially now that we are surrounded by the worst of the worst from the world, especially now that for us men to live is lust, sex, and drugs, especially for you women that to live is beauty, or should i say unrealistic goals of beauty, materializing your body’s, and degrading yourself. We need to ask Christ to intervene in our lives and to make us new in Him. We need to have the Holy Spirit reign in our lives and control us fully. And when i say control, I mean drive, motivate, and guide us. I mean that we need to be constantly fighting on our knees, constantly asking the Lord to perfect our ways of living through circumstances and dealing with struggles and temptations. We need to be more seeking of Him in order for Him to come to us and be in us and for us. We CANNOT expect something to happen out of nothing; after all, that’s why the big bang theory is discredited. SOMETHING CANNOT COME OUT OF NOTHING. A revival WILL NOT sweep us if we don’t dive in wholly and fully. 

We need to give God everything! Not a little bit of us and a little bit of facebook. Not a little bit of us and a little bit of Big Sean. Not a little bit of us and a little bit of a dirty mouth. Look I know I’m not perfect, but each day i acknowledge that and ask God to start me fresh so that I can do His work. I dont know when i will get a chance to post again. I dont know how often i will be posting, all i know now, is that it’s time for a revival and you’re either in or out. You’re either a follower of Christ and a leader for Him, or you’re a cheerleader/spectator who does nothing and will go nowhere in life. Please take this life seriously. Why is it that people have to die for us to realize how short life is? Why is it that someone has to leave our midst in order for us to realize that not only are they missing, but that God is too? 

Let’s live new lives. Let’s be holy. That’s all God wants from us. Sincere holiness. From that everything else comes.

Remember these passages:

Ecclesiastes 3:20 “All go to one place: all are from dust, and return to dust.”

Ecclesiastes 3:14 “I know that whatever God does, It shall be forever. Nothing can be added to it. And nothing can be taken from it. God does it, that men should fear before Him.

God bless you all and Godspeed. ❤ 🙂